June is when we celebrate our beloved LGBTQ+ community members, especially achieving your optimal health.
Being both AANHPI and queer presents its own barriers resulting in increased health disparities for our community members who share those intersecting identities.
According to a 2022 report called “AAPI LGBT Adults in the US: LGBT Well-Being at the intersection of Race,” AAPI LGBT individuals are more likely to lack health insurance. AAPI LGBT individuals are also more likely to feel unsafe. Economic disparities affect Pacific Islander LGBT individuals more than Asian LGBT individuals. Transgender AAPI individuals face more discrimination than their cisgender peers within the LGBT AAPI communities.
This is just a small slice of the data illuminated in this report. For information on LGBTQ AAPI youth, read this report by The Trevor Project.
We know all of these experiences can alter health outcomes, which is why we would like to share these two important resources and remind you that we are here to assist with navigating access to healthcare.
The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance has developed these great in-language resources to help navigate difficult conversations with your loved ones and learn more about supporting them and getting their support.
The Asian Mental Health Collective has put together a great collection of LGBTQ+ stories and has resources if you are in need of mental health services.
As always, our team at APCA is always here to assist you finding health care insurance, or direct you to find a provider that works for you. Email us at info@apcaaz.org any time!